November is World Vegan Month; a chance to celebrate and champion vegan lifestyles, and give the vegan-curious an opportunity to ask for advice, recipes and ideas surrounding vegan food. 

Veganism has become a popular lifestyle choice across the UK in recent years, with as many as 1 in 3 British people significantly reducing their consumption of meat and dairy. 

Veganism in the UK has increased and continues to rise, so too should the production and availability of vegan wholesale food; enabling restaurants and eateries to cater for vegan tastes. 

The rise of veganism: takeaways and restaurants

Takeaways and meals out may still be considered a luxury to most; something consumers indulge in for special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays or celebrations with family and friends, but in just 2 years – between 2016 and 2018 – the number of orders for vegan takeaways increased by an incredible 388% with more than 1.16% of the population (600,000 people) now considered to be vegan. 

But what does this really mean for chefs like you? 

This dramatic rise in veganism means that takeaways, restaurants and eateries need to respond to the changing expectations and demands of your diners; offering a generous range of vegan-friendly foods for those who have either chosen the lifestyle, live with food allergies and intolerances or are simply curious to try something new. 

The UK continues to lead in the production of vegan products

In 2018 the UK launched more vegan products than any other nation, according to the World Vegan Society – responding to the increasing trend in this country for vegan tastes. 

Vegan wholesale food

Veganism is rapidly making its way into the mainstream, not only for the health benefits associated; increasing widespread awareness of food allergies and intolerances, but also the environmental benefits, the availability of good quality, vegan wholesale food for restaurants and eateries needs to also respond to this.

Cooper Foods has introduced an extensive and growing range of vegan wholesale products to the market; delicious foods that are entirely vegan friendly, including sausages, pies and desserts.

For more information about our vegan range and to order, please contact us on 01264 321 050.